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Symptoms of Lung Disease & How Smokers Can Overcome Them

If you are a smoker, or have quit after smoking for many years, then you are in a high risk category for many types of lung disease. Knowing how to put an end to these illnesses and in many cases preventing them in the first place is essential to your health and longevity! Here are some symptoms of lung disease and a way you can get rid of them and live a happier, healthier life. Chronic Bronchitis – This is characterized by a persistent cough, and the coughing up of sputum (mucus from the lungs). This coughing is caused by irritation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs which become swollen and inflamed. Throat Infections – Your throat can be damaged by the cigarette smoke you inhale destroying much of its natural protection. This can lead to many infections that can take root and cause pain, irritation and more serious problems. You will often feel your throat is very sore to start with, and you may also have trouble swallowing. Fever, headaches and sinus pain may play a part as well. Emphysema – If you are constantly feeling short of breath even when not exercising hard and you have been smoking for many years then you may have a bad case of emphysema. This is where your lung capacity is reduced by the destruction of the internal walls between the air sacks, called Alveoli. This basically means your lungs are no longer as good at putting oxygen into the bloodstream and taking carbon dioxide out as they were before you smoked. This disease will basically reduce your ability to breathe! COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) – This is simply a combination of the effects of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It is characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible. It is a term you are more likely hear these days than the two problems it represents. Lung Cancer – This can be hard to pin down but a few signs that you should go to get this checked out are: coughing up blood, frequent colds or pneumonia, a whistling sound while breathing heavily, and swelling of the throat and face. If you are in any way concerned, get your doctor to do a proper test. To learn how to overcome these conditions, or in the case of cancer, how to prevent this deadly disease from happening to you, click HERE to find out how a lung detox can cleanse your lungs of the tar and toxins that lead to these conditions now! Other link please visit HERE

The Lungs after Smoking Cessation – What You Need to Know

Many smokers who finally manage to end their smoking addiction quickly become disillusioned because they feel their lungs after smoking cessation still feel awful and their breathing and overall health have not greatly improved. Many then fall back into the smoking habit, using the poor excuse that they have already done so much harm to their bodies already, why stop now? This is of course ridiculous as it will only make things worse that they currently are. To give you an idea of what your lungs do face due to smoking, here is a sobering list. • Tar – This sticky mixture that comes from cigarettes is a major problem for your lungs. It coats the inside of your airways and also seeps into the lung tissue itself. It irritates the lungs, traps in poisons form cigarettes and can cause scarring as well. It is very hard to remove. • Toxins – Cigarettes contain over 6000 chemicals that are dangerous to the human body. Among them are poisons used to kill rats for one, and many that are known carcinogens (they cause cancer). These toxins stay in your lungs and get into your bloodstream, going all over the body. They are sheltered from your natural detox systems by the tar present in your lungs as well. • Emphysema – This condition is caused by a combination of heat and chemicals when you inhale cigarette smoke. The alveoli - which are tiny air sacs right at the end of the lung ‘tree’ - are destroyed by this combination, never to be repaired. This inhibits the vital function of putting oxygen into the bloodstream and taking our carbon dioxide. If you lose too many of these air sacs you will find it very difficult to breath and nothing can heal this! • Bronchitis – This is a condition caused by irritation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. Tar and toxins have irritated the tubes, this causes inflammation and sometimes irreversible scarring. The result is an uncontrollable cough and often a coughing up of fluids. Chronic bronchitis is where this happens all the time thanks to your smoking habit. • Infections – The chemicals in cigarettes can linger in your throat and lungs for a long, long time. Trapped by the tar and mucus they can often cause infections which can be irritating, painful and sometimes even incapacitating! Your lungs, throat and all parts of the pulmonary system can be affected by this. • Cancer – The big one. Cancer is not certain for all smokers but your chances are massively increased compared to non-smokers. The tar and the poisons from cigarettes all conspire together to increase this risk every single day even after you have stopped smoking. This is not all bad news though, as all these lung diseases and problems in your body can be stopped. You need to firstly make sure you have quit smoking, and then get on a lung detoxification program that can begin to cleanse your lungs of all the tar and toxins that cause these health issues! Without doing a lung detox it can take several years to get your lungs healthy again compared with just a few weeks or months with a lung cleanse! For more information please CLICK HERE

What is a Lung Detox?

You may have heard of a liver detox, a colon cleanse, or a general body detox; but have you heard of a lung detox before? This follows a similar concept in that, in this case, you are trying to cleanse the lungs of impurities, poisons and toxins to achieve better respiratory health. However, the processes that you must follow to achieve this are quite different, and you have additional problems if you are or have been a smoker. Tar Tar is an insidious hazard that comes from years of smoking cigarettes. It is a blackish brown mixture of smoke and ash and mucus that coats the inside of your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe. It also traps in the toxins that cigarettes are full of (over 6000 chemicals in fact!) in to the delicate areas of the lungs. This tar can take up to 10 years or more to be cleaned out of the lungs unassisted, making this a long term problem for your health! This will cause a regular body cleansing to be inhibited while this tar remains in your body, clinging to your airways, and causing many types of lung disease. To combat this, a good lung detox must concentrate on two things (or three things if you have not yet quit smoking!): flushing the tar from your lungs and then purging your lungs of the toxins that have been trapped there, causing sickness, infections and disease. This can be done in a number of different ways, all of which are simple enough to implement. The difficult part for most people is maintaining the motivation to enact these lifestyle changes long enough to make a difference to the build-up of tar. Such changes include dietary modification to lessen mucus and fortify your immune system, exercises that target the chest to force out tar and build lung strength, the addition of certain vitamins that will be your secret weapon against tar, and also the psychological fight behind these methods that can make actually physical differences! For more information on how to detox your lungs using these no-nonsense, straight forward methods, CLICK HERE to discover everything you need to breathe easy again, and get rid of the fear of lung disease forever


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